About the Author
Hi and welcome! This blog is a way for me to share the journeys the Lord takes me on through nature and writing to bring me into a place of His peace. I am a deep thinker, an avid walker/hiker, and a social introvert. I love spending time on my own reflecting and soaking in God's Creation. Whether it is spotting a bluejay overhead, listening to a peaceful stream, or marveling at a "helicopter" maple seed whirling to the ground in front of me, God knows how to get my attention and put a smile on my face.

I enjoy meeting people who share this common desire to see the blessings of God in nature and ponder on His unique design for every tree, bird, animal, person, and more. God teaches me so much through conversation about Him with others who seek His heart. I hope to be able connect with you. Please share a blessing the Lord has put in your path today. What song of a bird did you hear? What cloud formation or sunset did you witness?
"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever." -Psalm 136:1 (NIV)
Photo by Matthew Schartz, @ unsplash.com

Susan Holt Simpson @ unsplash.com
It is my prayer that my writing will inspire others to redirect their focus away from the worries of this world and onto the goodness of God in His Creation. Shalom. Peace to you, my friend. Smile-you are loved by your heavenly Father. He is with you. He is for You. And He loves to bless you with His love.